

Fat and Cholesterol are GOOD for You!

What REALLY Causes Heart Disease

by Uffe Ravnskov

Kilmer S. McCully, MD
Chief, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine,
Veterans Affairs, Medical Center, VA Boston Healthcare System

In thisbrilliant new synthesis of the true cause of heart disease, independentinvestigator Dr. Uffe Ravnskov explains how dangerous plaquesin the arteries are created by microbial infections, the lipoprotein immunesystem, and multiple risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, stress,diabetes, kidney failure and elevated blood homocysteine levels.Written with incisive, comprehensive, and devastating logic, Ravnskovsystematically demolishes the cholesterol myth by a detailed analysisof the results of research by investigators world-wide. This analysisexplains the fallacies of the cholesterol hypothesis and why pharmaceuticalcompanies and the food industry have profited handsomely fromthis outmoded and disproved theory. The reader of this clearlywritten and important book will be able to use this new understandingof the real cause of heart disease for successful treatment andprevention.

KilmerS. McCully

Joel M. Kauffman, PhD
Professor of Chemistry Emeritus, University of the Sciences in
Independent medical writer

Uffe Ravnskov has been the mostpersistent and effective voice informing thepublic about diet dogma for the past 20 years. His very readable earlierbook, The Cholesterol Myths may never have been a best seller,even at $20, but used copies have recently sold for $200-300. Dr.Ravnskov hasalso informed the medical and nutritional professions aboutthe lack of evidence for their half-century condemnations of eating saturatedfat and cholesterol by publishing reviews, papers and letters in majorjournals such as the Journal of the American Medical Association, theBritish Medical Journal, the Quarterly Journal of Medicine, The Lancet,Annals of Internal Medicine, Nutrition and Metabolism and others.He also founded The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics( which now has 80 highly qualified official members.
Dr. Ravnskov is a living exampleof an ideal physician and medical scientist— one who is utterly honest. He relies on original sources, interpretsthem accurately, and does not stray from actual evidence in trialsand studies. You can trust this book to learn the causes and noncauses ofcardiovascular disease.

Joel M. Kauffman

Paul Rosch, MD, FACP

Clinical Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry,
New York Medical College
President, The American Institute of Stress
Honorary Vice President, International Stress Management Association

Numerous influences have been linked to increased risk for coronary disease,including a deep earlobe crease, premature vertex baldness and living in EasternFinland or Glasgow. The most egregious factoid is the erroneous belief thatheart attacks result from an elevated blood cholesterol that is due primarily toincreased fat consumption. This myth has been perpetrated and perpetuated by thecholesterol cartel of low fat food and lipid lowering drug manufacturers, aswell as prestigious organizations and physicians that are the recipients oftheir largesse. However, if you repeat a lie often enough and long enough,peoplewill believe it and it eventually becomes the truth. As Ravnskov convincinglydemonstrates, no scientific studies support the cardioprotective benefits oflowering cholesterol and saturated fat intake, and those that purportedlydemonstrate such rewards are seriously flawed.Such efforts are not onlyineffective, but are also harmful, especially in the elderly. Association neverproves causation and more plausible contributors to coronary disease arediscussed, including an exciting new theorythat posits an infectious etiology.

Paul Rosch





I am an independent medical researcher